Sunday, May 8, 2016

A Mom's Love

Yesterday was Mothers’ Day, which I always enjoy.  Every year it gives me a special reason to let my mom know how much she means to me.

We’ve always been close and even to this day I consider her to be one of my most trustworthy friends.  I can share anything with her, knowing she truly cares and will listen and encourage me when I need it most. So today, Mom, I thank you publicly for your love and continuous support in everything. 


I think most of us have someone (whether it’s our mom or someone else) we appreciate who’s been there for us in good and bad times.  How do you show them how much they mean to you?  I’d love to hear your thoughts. Let’s keep the conversation going.






Cathy Baker said...

What a sweet tribute to your mom, Ellen. I have written something to let my parents know how much they mean to me, in addition to other little things. Hope you had a wonderful day!

Ellen Andersen said...

It was nice, Cathy. Just spending time together was good. I'm sure your parents appreciate what you wrote to and for them.