Sunday, November 3, 2013

In the midst of the storm

Life can pull us in many different directions. It’s not just physically, when we need to be in two places at once, but emotionally too. I find the latter much more difficult.

There are many times when our lives are going well. There’s money in the bank, our health is good, and we have friends we can rely on. We enjoy it.

If we remember to, we thank God for these blessings, recognizing He’s provided them for us. But when something happens that changes our lives we’re left wondering why and what to do next.

It could be anything—job loss, health issues, death of a loved one, or any host of other circumstances. What do we do then?

I’ve found I have to hold on to what never changes in this world and that there are three things that meet that criteria: God, God’s Word, and God’s promises. We’re going to take a look at these over the next several weeks. I’d love to hear your feedback in the process.

First, God is love. Everything He does is done out of love for us. Sometimes I find that hard to believe, especially when life doesn’t go the way it should. Or when senseless things happen. Often God doesn’t answer our “why” questions. Sometimes we have to wait. I’ve had to wait for an answer to that question for months in the past, regarding my health. It frustrated me, but I spoke to Him more in that time than usual. Perhaps that was part of the point?  Maybe.

Now it’s your turn. What have you been through when you questioned God? How did you make it through? Share your experience here. Someone will benefit from it.


Edie Melson said...

Ellen, I struggle with seasons of this - sort of like an emotional hurricane season. It seems that everything bad happens at once. I question whether I'm following God's path, and sometimes whether or not He's even given up on me. (I can be a difficult sort of person to love. LOL). This is good stuff, thanks for sharing your heart!

Jean Andersen said...

My husband and I are in the midst of a storm right now, but holding on to the Lord is keeping us close to each other, and for that we are grateful. We also have the assurance that we will land intact on the other side not matter what it looks like.

I agree with your statement that we communicate more with God when times are hard, and that could be just what He desires. Good insight.

Ellen Andersen said...

God will see you both through this. Keep holding onto him and to each other.

Ellen Andersen said...

I think we all ride emotional roller coasters. The good news is that God NEVER gives up on us. He's got us buckled in tight and we just need to hold on to him.

Anonymous said...

I have been going through a lot at the present. Mainly a lot of loved ones have passed on. I think these things happen so we can share with others. This is what has happened to me and the Lord was with me. Maybe these experiences could give hope and faith to others. Possibly save someone who has never given their live to the Lord.

Ellen Andersen said...

You're right that we can use our experiences to help others in need. The holidays are always difficult when you've lost someone you love, too.