Give God What You’ve Got
is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will
they go among so many?” John 6:9
“It’s just five loaves of bread and two fish. What good will that do? There’s thousands of people in this
crowd! But they’re asking if we have anything.
I guess this is something.”
I imagine the little’s boy’s thoughts were along these lines
in the crowd of hungry people who’d been listening to “this Jesus guy” teach
for so long.
He looked at his brown paper bag, thought of the food Mom
and Dad had packed him in case he got hungry.
He WAS hungry and Jesus had finally stopped teaching. This was his
chance to grab a bite. But then the teacher’s close friends asked if anyone had
anything to eat. He knew he did, but it was only enough for him.
Still, he told the men that he had a little bit of
food. Then they TOOK it from him. Oh great, he thought. “They took all I had. What good can this do?
And now my lunch is gone.”
“This is all we could find. It won’t do any good.” the disciples said to Jesus. They gave it to him anyway, when he asked them for it. Then Jesus prayed and shocked everyone (including the disciples) when the five loaves and the two fish suddenly became too much for even the thousands of them to eat. With all the miracles they seen Jesus perform by this time, you’d think his disciples wouldn’t be surprised. But they still couldn’t believe it. It didn’t make any sense.
Before we’re too hard on the disciples though, let’s take a look at
how we think. Sometimes we can be like
the little boy, seeing all the needs around us. We think we can’t make a dent
in the world around us. Not really, especially with thousands of needy people.
But maybe, just maybe, we should do what God says and give
him what we have. He doesn’t ask us to solve the problem, just to give him what
we have. When the little boy gave his lunch to the disciples and they gave it to
Jesus, He took it and multiplied it to bless and care for thousands in ways no
one could have imagined.
Give God what you’ve got. He’ll take care of the rest.