Life can pull us in many different directions. It’s not just
physically, when we need to be in two places at once, but emotionally too. I
find the latter much more difficult.
There are many times when our lives are going well. There’s
money in the bank, our health is good, and we have friends we can rely on. We
enjoy it.
If we remember to, we thank God for these blessings,
recognizing He’s provided them for us. But when something happens that changes
our lives we’re left wondering why and what to do next.
It could be anything—job loss, health issues, death of a
loved one, or any host of other circumstances. What do we do then?
I’ve found I have to hold on to what never changes in this
world and that there are three things that meet that criteria: God, God’s Word,
and God’s promises. We’re going to take a look at these over the next several
weeks. I’d love to hear your feedback in the process.
First, God is love. Everything He does is done out of love
for us. Sometimes I find that hard to believe, especially when life doesn’t go
the way it should. Or when senseless things happen. Often God doesn’t answer
our “why” questions. Sometimes we have to wait. I’ve had to wait for an answer
to that question for months in the past, regarding my health. It frustrated me,
but I spoke to Him more in that time than usual. Perhaps that was part of the
point? Maybe.
Now it’s your turn. What have you been through when you
questioned God? How did you make it through? Share your experience here.
Someone will benefit from it.